Mountain Pixels knows that you take your right to privacy very seriously, and so do we! We are committed to protecting your privacy. Any information provided to us, including the collection, use, and maintaining of personal information by BeautyPlus, will never be released to others without your prior consent. The information that is collected will be exclusively used to enhance your experience while using Our Applications.
We believe in doing great quality work that will impact people around the globe. We are specialized in Android And Iphone mobile application development and we'd love to develop for you.
Personal Information
No one likes a cat burglar; photos uploaded maintain the same copyright as before using Our Applications! We do not, and will not store your photos anywhere. Our Applications will never use any user’s photos unless a user explicitly gives us permission to do so.
Our Applications may save certain information provided on Facebook to be solely used to keep our users informed of updates and new features. This information will not be shared by us with any 3rd parties. Other information such as user names, social networking information, or emails may be saved to follow up on user’s requests.
Links to Other Sites
Our Site contains links to other websites. If you choose to visit an advertiser by "clicking on" a banner ad or other type of advertisement, or click on another third party link, you will be directed to that third party's website. The fact that we link to a website or present a banner ad or other type of advertisement is not an endorsement, authorization or representation of our affiliation with that third party, nor is it an endorsement of their privacy or information security policies or practices. We do not exercise control over third party websites. These other websites may place their own cookies or other files on your computer, collect data or solicit personal information from you. Other sites follow different rules regarding the use or disclosure of the personal information you submit to them. We encourage you to read the privacy policies or statements of the other websites you visit. We also use Google Admob SDK and Facebook SDK for advertisements in our applications.
Policy Updates
This policy may change from time to time, but if it does, we will post any changes up on this page. If there are any significant changes, we will provide a more prominent notice on our site.
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy please do not hesitate to contact us.